

指揮者のレオポルド・ストコフスキーが、サクソフォン奏者のヴィンセント・アバト Vincent Abatoと共演するにあたって、アバトに宛てた書簡の画像がFacebookの某コミュニティにアップされていた。非常に短い内容だが、なんだか面白かったのでご紹介したい。1945年7月3日の手紙である。時代背景など考えると、非常に象徴的…というか。。。


3 July 45

Mr. Vincent James Abato
c/o U.S. Naval Academy Band
Annspolis, Md.

Dear Mr.Abato

I am delighted that you will play the Creston Saxophone Concerto on August 26th. Your rehearsals will be the preceding Friday and Saturday, August 24th and 25th.


We would like you to play in uniform if that is agreeable to you and your commanding officer. Of course, this is not important from a musical stand point, but from a human standpoint it is interesting that you are with the Navy.


The rehearsals will be in Hollywood Bowl. We hope you can be here a few days before so as to make quite sure of everything.



Leopold Stokowski

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