
North American Saxophone Allianceの新President

NASAこと、North American Saxophone AllianceのPresidentが、サウスカロライナ州立大学教授のClifford Leaman クリフォード・リーマン氏から、アイオワ州立大学教授のケネス・チェ Kenneth Tse氏へと交代した。

就任コメントの一部を引用する。"entering into a new era"という力強い言葉!今後のNASAのますますの発展を祈念する次第。

In 2015 NASA will be entering into a new era. An era of great changes. From a brand new website to many positive organizational changes, which you will hear about in due time. It has been a great pleasure for me to work with the executive members whose continued desire is to create a better organization and whose fortitude to make the changes happen are truly inspiring.


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